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Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal Discharge Can Be Normal

For the most part, it is normal to have some vaginal discharge. And depending on where you’re at in your cycle, you may have more or less. 

Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ. Inside your vagina and cervix, fluid is secreted to help clean everything out and keep it healthy.

Your vagina’s normal odors and discharge are not something to be ashamed of, covered up, douched away, or perfumed.



Vaginal Infections: 

  • STD Infections that spread during sexual contact.

    • These include chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis.

  • Vaginal yeast infection, caused by a fungus called Candida.

  • Bad bacteria that live in the vagina overgrow and cause a gray discharge and fishy odor. This is called bacterial vaginosis (BV).

    • BV is not spread through sexual contact but having sex can increase your risk of getting BV.

    • Oral sex can also increase your risk of getting BV. 

    • If left untreated, BV can cause pelvic infections, lead to a greater risk of contracting STIs, and cause miscarriage or preterm labor in pregnant women. So, while it is not necessarily a serious health condition, it is definitely not one that should be ignored. 

Other causes of vaginal discharge and itching may be:

  • Menopause and low estrogen levels. 

  • Forgotten tampon or foreign body. This may cause a foul odor.

  • Chemicals in detergents, fabric softeners, feminine sprays, ointments, creams, douches, and contraceptive foams or jellies or creams.

  • Ovulation (the release of an egg from your ovary in the middle of the menstrual cycle)

  • Pregnancy

  • Sexual excitement

Less common causes include:

  • Cancer of the vulva, cervix, vagina, uterus, or fallopian tubes

  • Skin conditions, such as desquamative vaginitis and lichen planus

Tips To Avoid Vaginal Discharge

  • Balance your microbiome with VagiBiom suppositories.

  • Wipe from front to rear after using the toilet.

  • Change wet bathing suits after a swim.

  • Avoid tight-fitting jeans or pantyhose.

  • Urinate after sex.

  • Balance your hormones.

  • Clean sex toys after each use.

  • Wear breathable ORGANIC 100% cotton underwear, for example: Organic Kid is a good brand that makes organic underwear for kids and adults. 

  • Do not use douches or feminine hygiene products.

  • Avoid using hygiene sprays, fragrances, or powders in the genital area.

  • Regular bathing is usually adequate to cleanse the vagina. Use gentle soap (like Dr. Bronner's) to wash the rest of your body.

  • Avoid synthetic thongs or underwear.

  • Get your sugar checked if you're having recurrent yeast infections.

  • Consider non-toxic laundry detergent (such as Molly's Suds, Clean People, or Ecos).

  • Hydrate.

Triggers That Can Cause Vaginal Discharge

  • Antibiotic use

  • Weak immune system

  • Diets high in sugar

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Stress

  • Uncontrolled diabetes

  • High-estrogen birth control pills

  • Period blood - The pH of blood is just above 7, this raises the vaginal PH. 

  • Oral and anal sex

  • IUD's

  • Imbalanced vaginal microbiome 

Vulvar Irritation

  • For temporary relief consider VagiKool feminine cold pack. This can be used to calm down the irritation/infection no matter what the cause. Anyone who suffers from vulvar irritation should order one of these cool packs. Use it along with medication to treat the infection/irritation. 

Antibiotics To Treat Vaginal Infection

  • For yeast infections: anti-fungal medications are used.

    • Examples: Fluconazole, Terconazole, Lotrisone cream. 

    • Brexafemme is new but not covered by most insurance yet. 

    • Don't use Monistat-1, it burns, too strong.​

  • For bacterial or BV infections: Metronidazole, Clindamycin, and Solosec are often used. 

    • Solosec is great because it is a one-dose treatment, but it may be more expensive depending on your insurance. ​If you are prescribed Solosec, download their savings coupon. 

  • STDs are treated with antibiotics/antivirals when appropriate.

The Vaginal Microbiome

  • Diversity is a good thing, but not when it comes to the bacteria in your vagina. 

  • Just like in your intestines or your mouth, some bacteria live in the vagina.

  • They will always be there and this is a good thing.

  • You want the "good bacteria" (the Lactobacilli)

  • Good bacteria prevent the growth of harmful pathogens yeast and BV.

  • Lactobacilli also help prevent preterm labor and miscarriage. 

  • Having less than 90% lactobacilli puts you at risk of vaginal imbalance.

  • When the level of good bacteria is low, the bad bacteria and yeast have room to grow.

  • This can lead to a vaginal infection with discharge.

  • The disruption of your vaginal microbiome may be caused by:

    • Antibiotic treatment.

    • Sexual activity.

    • Change in hormone levels
    • Pregnancy, and menopause.
    • Inadequate personal intimate hygiene.

    • Stressed lifestyle.

    • Use of intra-vaginal products, including douching.

Fix Your Microbiome

  • Balance, Nurture and Stabilize Good Vaginal Flora For Healthy Vaginal Tissues

    • Boric acid​

    • Probiotics

    • Vitamin C suppositories

Boric Acid

  • Boric acid is a weak acid that’s been used since the beginning of time as a natural antiseptic.

  • This natural supplement is found in volcanic areas in North America and Europe. It’s been recorded as being used way back to the times of the ancient Greeks.

  • This natural supplement is effective at treating medical conditions thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It’s been used for everything from cuts and burns to acne and vaginal infections.

  • Boric acid should NEVER be taken orally! It’s very poisonous if taken orally.

  • Additionally, this should NOT be used by pregnant mothers.

  • You don't need a prescription to get boric acid. 

  • Good brands:

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  • Improve your gut health with probiotics

  • The intestinal bacteria and vaginal bacteria are in constant contact. Adding a probiotic for gut health will improve the natural flora in the vagina.

  • Good brands are:

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BV Infections That Won't Fully Go Away


Yeast That Won't Fully Go Away

  • Recurrent yeast is defined as 3 or more yeast infections in 12 months. In cases caused by Candida albicans, suppression therapy with fluconazole (Diflucan) 150 mg orally for 6 months is used.  

  • Unfortunately, most of the antifungals used for Candida albicans are not effective against other types of Candida, which are often the culprits of recurrent infections. In other words, since the common antifungals do not work against resistant fungi, the infection will never be fully eradicated. 

  • Candida glabrata is particularly common in recurrent episodes and should be treated with one of the following, as they have been used successfully:

    • Flucytosine 15.5% vaginal cream, intravaginally administered as 5 g for 14 days.

    • Amphotericin B 50 mg vaginal suppositories for 14 days.

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